Monday, July 23, 2018

Hey Everyone! 

This past week we went to the temple! I learned a lot this time. It is funny because whenever I go, I go with a question. That question is never answered, but I learn something else completely different.

I want to share a piece of knowledge that I have learned over my mission.

I have come to realize that our job as missionaries is to be sure that people gain testimonies. When they do, they also seem happier. I saw this last week with one of our investigators. The first lesson we had together, she seemed very skeptical and like she didn´t trust us very much. However, this past Tuesday we stopped by to do daily contact, and she seemed a lot happier. She laughed a lot more and made a lot more jokes. She also joked at one point that everyone is a child of God, even people from **** (she named a country but I have censored it here). While it was funny, it made me realize that she actually has come to believe and have faith in this restored truth. Her baptism will be a fruit of her testimony. What matters as a missionary is to make sure that people have testimonies.

Read, Pray, and attend. There is no better formula.

I love you all. I have a great week.

Elder MacGregor

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